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Ticket to the Moon Anchor Kit

Hammock Anchor Kit for concrete, wooden and stone walls
Ticket to the Moon Anchor Kit Ticket to the Moon Anchor Kit  ()
  • Edelstahl-Haken / Stainless Steel Hook
  • Set
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Whether outside or inside, whether wood, concrete or stone: Your hammock will find its place anywhere with the Anchor Kit from Ticket To The Moon. The set comes with everything you need. You only need to provide a drill, a suitable drill attachment and the wrench yourself. Let's get started!

Customer note: Incorrect installation could result in risk of injury. Ensure all work is carried out by a person competent in this type of job. Periodically check the hook for signs of excessive wear and particularly stress cracks and replace if necessary. These hooks are not suitable for use in ceilings!

Material / Details

  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Attachment set for your hammock
  • Suitable for inside and outside
  • Fastening for concrete, wooden and stone walls
  • Not suitable for ceilings
  • With 2 hangers including screws, washers and Fischer dowels
  • Load capacity: 200 kg
  • Weight: 160 g

Not included in the set, but necessary for installation:
- Drilling machine
- 1x 10 mm drill attachment
- 1x 17 mm wrench

1) Try to find the right distance between two walls usually a distance from 2.7-3 m is perfect without the need for additional ropes.
2) Check the wall by tapping and knocking and see if it is sturdy enough.
3) Choose any height from 1.3 m and higher, depending on the distance of your hangers. Make sure to install the anchors higher if they are further away than 3 m – otherwise you either don’t have the 30° angle for your hammock or you will touch the floor.
4) Drill a hole in a concrete or stone wall with a 10 mm boring head. Check the length according to the Bolt included in the Kit. Clean the hole.
5) Gently insert the fisher first.
6) Insert the lag bolt with the hanger and the washer already threat in, screw the bolt until it is securely tightened.
7) Attach your Rope or Moon Strap to the hanger and use your hammock the way you are used to. Don’t attach the aluminum Carabiner directly to the stainless-steel hanger, because it may damage the Carabiner. Start with gently sitting inside your hammock to see if the hangers are installed safely and securely. 

For block, brick or concrete walls use a 10 mm masonry drill bit to drill a hole to the depth of 80 mm. Insert nylon wall plug fully into hole. Screw hook into plug as far as it will go. 

For timber use a 6 mm wood drill bit to drill a hole to the depth of 70 mm. Screw hook into hole as far as it will go. 

For stud (hollow/partition) walls it is extremely important to centre the hook on the stud which may be covered by panelling or plasterboard. Tips: Use rope to extend from hook to hammock if necessary. A simple hitch is an effective way to attach it. Always ensure the two ends of the hammock are at the same height. 

Details of the manufacturer

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  • Bremen
  • Bonn

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For the time being, this service is available in Bonn, Bremen, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Essen, Flensburg, Göttingen, Hamm, Jever, Kiel, Leipzig, Münster, Oldenburg and Wilhelmshaven.

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