Backpacks, bags and other equipment used in hunting must meet the highest standards, be absolutely reliable and last a long time. With their company Waldkauz, Markus and Gudela Holthausen have always attached great importance to combining classic materials, good design and careful workmanship to excellent products. The fact that her backpacks and bags have also found many friends outside the hunting population over the years motivated her to create a second brand. Now the name Steinkauz stands for hiking, leisure, mountains and nature experience! The basic idea has remained the same - high-quality design equipment with a sense for beauty. Steinkauz products are more colourful and should not only convince under rough conditions, but also in normal daily use - on the way to work or school, on a walk with the dog or on a hike on holiday. At Steinkauz all products are designed and developed in our own studio and a large part is also produced on site. The choice of materials for the products follows a simple principle: quality before price and nature before plastic! A product is always manufactured from the materials that appear to be the best for the respective purpose. If possible, these products should consist of natural raw materials. But where it makes sense, one does not ignore the advantages that modern materials sometimes bring with them. Through this uncompromising quality thinking, high-quality products are created which are worth their price in the sense of the word. The customer should hold a product in his hands that he will enjoy for a long time. The products are timeless. They should not hold a season in order to be discarded, but they should accompany many years, wear themselves out, get patina and age in honour.Steinkauz Lodenfleecejacke Kragenhuber
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