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Klean Kanteen

In 2004, Klean Kanteen introduced the 27oz Klean Kanteen bottle onto the market to give people a better option than plastic and lined aluminum bottles: a safe, healthy, lightweight, reusable bottle free of Bisphenol A (BPA) and other toxin substances. Their mission to provide superior solutions and help people make better decisions had begun! Klean Kanteens are shared with people at music festivals, environmental fairs, outdoor recreation events and other sorts of gatherings.
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  • Stainless steel
  • Plastic

Klean Kanteen 800 ml Kanteen Classic

Klean Kanteen Top Article

The original since 2004 - sustainable stainless steel drinking bottle with practical closure

A design that has been convincing since 2004. With the Klean Kanteen Classic you can easily quench your thirst and do good at the same time. The design of the drinking bottle can score points with a stainless steel thread and the various closures that
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