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The Swiss Katadyn company is No. 1 in the world for individual water purification systems and products, with a global market share exceeding 50 percent. Katadyn has been developing water filters, chlorine and silver-based sterilizing agents, and mobile desalinators for the trekking and marine markets for over 80 years now. Numerous international relief organizations and special army units rely on the products of Katadyn for survival and life saving.

The company has further diversified by adding other outdoor market brands: “Trek’n Eat”, No. 1 for freeze-dried outdoor and expedition foods in Europe and the Swedish brand Optimus with its range of outdoor stoves and accessories.
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Katadyn Combi Filter

Katadyn Top Article

High-quality, reliable, versatile water filter for outdoor and indoor use

In this water filter, which has proven itself worldwide, Katadyn has combined two filter systems that can also be separated if necessary: ​​firstly, a ceramic filter element with silver impregnation for the best filter performance and long service life and secondly, an activated carbon cartridge. The combi filter eliminates bacteria and
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