... that's what Dopper's drinking bottles do. Because the bottles are produced climate neutrally according to the Cradle to Cradle principle and are 100 percent recycable. In this way the enormous mountain of plastic waste that we produce every day, mainly from disposable plastic, can be greatly reduced. Simply buy a bottle, fill in tap water, smile and go.
No plastic soup, please!
After Merijn Everaarts, founder and head of the Dutch company, had seen a shocking report some time ago about the increasing littering of our beautiful planet and especially our seas by plastic, he was overcome with the urge to do something about it. At that time he was particularly struck by the unnecessarily high consumption of plastic water bottles and suddenly knew what to do.
So in January 2010 he started a competition to find the perfect reusable drinking water bottle. Rinke van Remortel, a graduate of Delft Technical University, submitted the decisive design and convinced Merijn above all with the fact that Rinke proverbially placed water on a pedestal. The unique shape of the three-piece bottle makes it easy to clean. The practical bottle is a drinking bottle, filling bottle and cup in one. Just nine months after the competition, the first Dopper was sold, appropriately on the Dutch Sustainability Day.
Open your Mind: Fighting litter together
But the production of the stylish super drinking bottle is not all Dopper does. In addition to the Dopper Foundation, which supports water and garbage projects as well as educational projects for primary school children and young people in Nepal, the social company is conducting campaigns worldwide with the help of its Dopper ambassadors to raise awareness of our environment and reduce disposable pastics. This includes the Dopper Changemaker Challenge. Since this year, this competition has been looking for a new generation of world improvers with innovative ideas in Germany, the Netherlands, England and Nepal. The company's aim is to create a world that is as plastic-free as possible, where everyone has access to clean drinking water.
The chic bottle has been designed for tap water. Because tap water has always been Merijn's number 1. And that's no surprise: In most (European) countries, drinking water is clean and can be drunk by everyone without hesitation, from toddlers to grandmothers. Especially in Germany the drinking water from the tap is of very good quality.
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