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Care Plus® wants to encourage travellers, tourists, and day trippers to travel as healthy as possible. Because of this, Care Plus® has an extensive selection of products which are specifically designed for you to be fully prepared and protected on your travels. All products are easy to take with you while you are travelling: the products are available in various sizes and are composed by travel experts. Whether you stay in your home country, go to Europe, or somewhere tropical, Care Plus® helps you with the preparations beforehand and on site!
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carePlus Mosquito Net Bell Durallin

carePlus Top Article

Impregnated mosquito net for optimum protection against insects

The Mosquito Net Bell Impregnated net is ideal for the world traveler. This impregnated net, suitable for 2 persons, is bell-shaped and has one attachment point. It has a stable form thanks to the built-in flexible ring in the peak. The supplied attachment kit, consisting of string,
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