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Tested by professionals
Founder and face of Adventure Food is the Dutch adventurer and mountaineer Hans van der Meulen, who led the first Dutch North Pole expedition 1997 and climbed the Mount Everest without additional oxygen in 2002. He says: „It was my interest in nutrition and my expedition experiences which prompted me to put my heart and soul into Adventure Food. I learned the hard way, from first hand experience, about nutritional requirements in such extreme conditions, and I make constant use of this knowledge to make our product the best it can possibly be. You don not realise how important nutrition is until you find yourself on a 70-day trek to the North Pole or climbing an 8000m-high mountain.“

It's all about the mix
Prerequisite for the success of such exhausting expeditions is (in addition to a strong will) in particular a proper nutrition. When choosing the right foods, it is not only just about the energy required, but also the composition of nutrients, the longest possible storage life, rapid preparation and a low transport weight. Beyond that, Adventure Food convinces you with a great taste that even impresses celebrity chefs.
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Adventure Food Chicken Curry

Adventure Food Top Article

Rice dish with chicken

Tasty rice dish with chicken cubes, green beans, bell pepper and pineapple cubes in a spicy curry cream sauce. Preparation: 1. Open pouch at tear notch. Unfold bottom. Remove "oxygen absorber". 2. Add hot water up to line. 3. Stir well. 4. Close zipper. Allow to stand for 8 minutes. 5. Stir again. 6. Eat out of the
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