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Guppyfriend began with a crucial conversation between a marine biologist and the Langbrett team. She shared the results of a study on the topic of microplastics. This study shows that with every wash, tiny plastic particles and fibers end up in the oceans, rivers, but also in the soil - in large quantities. For the passionate surfers and nature lovers of Langbrett, it was quickly clear that something had to be done about it. And so the first product to prevent the flood of microplastics was born: the Guppyfriend wash bag.

STOP! Micro Waste
Today, Guppyfriend's product range has continued to grow and offers clever solutions to prevent microplastic pollution. With the proceeds from the wash bags, however, it was also possible to establish the STOP! Plastik Academie of the non-profit organization STOP! Micro Waste gUG. To this day, parts of the profits flow into the organization's various projects. Here, for example, STOP! Plastik Academy coaches are trained to carry out campaigns, project weeks or teaching units and thus sensitize children, young people and adults to the issue of microplastics.
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Guppyfriend Top Article

Fight against microplastics: Smart washing bag for your synthetic clothing

Synthetic materials are poisoning our environment. When we think about this problem, images of plastic bottles and plastic bags come to mind, but synthetic textiles are a big part of the problem, too. With each wash, countless plastic fibers from synthetic garments are making their way from washing machines into rivers and oceans. The tiny fibers are extremely small and almost invisible. Unfortunately, sewage treatment plants cannot effectively filter out these microfibers. Once in the environment, the microfibers concentrate pervasive bacteria and pollutants. They are
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